Thursday, December 11, 2008
waste of time
Saturday, October 4, 2008
FIRST BLOG....hehe...(^_^)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Why So Long Never Post?
On to my post, anyway, I haven't check with anyone but I guess the trip is pretty much offlah. No one is committed. I don't blame you guys toolah. It was alot to ask form all of you. Instead, due to a logistical problem that all of us have leaving on two separate islands, I've decided to organise a trip for only the Semenanjung people. Hehehe, so stay tunedlah Semenanjung people. Don't worry, the government will give cabinet posts to the Sarawak MPs. Semenanjung people get trips. K, settle.
On another matter, I was sick on my birthday this year. Yea, so sad. I went out in the hot sun on the day be4 helping my dad run a few chores in KL Sentral/ Brickfields area and got sick becaused I was exposed too much to the sun. I get heat stroke real easy. Anyway, at least I celebrated my birthday a day earlier. I went to the Hart's Chicken in Berjaya Times Square after I saw my dad off in the bus to the LCCT. I went to KL. Ate Hart's Chicken, and walked around Bukit Bintang. I even got a chance to look at the latest iPods when I stopped by Low Yat's Apple Reseller. I guess Low Yat is really goodlah because they got the iPods first. They did it in just 2 days after Steve Job's launched them. I also went to Lot 10 and Sunway Pyramid that day just to lepak. Anyway, when I came back I went to sleep and in the morning I fell sick.
I was pretty sick because the fluid in between my ears were imbalanced or something causing me to fell really dizzy and disoriented. I really didn't want to do anything becuase I was sick. So I stayed in bed on Saturday and Sunday. I also didn't reply the birthday messages that were sent to me untill Sunday. Sorry, I really didn't want to reply so late but I was so sick that I was just turned off by the work. Anyway, I want to take this oppurtunity to thank the following people for their birthday wishes. Not in any order. THANK YOU IAN, ALDRIN, ALVIN, AARON, KOH SZE HOWE, SAMANTHA SI and SHAMIR. YOUR BIRHTDAY WIHSES MADE MY DAY. I NEEDED THEM A LOT THIS YEAR COS I WAS SICK SO, THANK YOU!
Anyway, my birthday also saw the arrival of my new roommate. To all of you who do not know, I have been living in My Place Apartments at Taylor's University College for the past 5 weeks and I was living on my own in a twin sharing room for the first month. I was really happy. Living alone but now, I have a roommate. He is from China. He is unable to pseak English very well so it is hard for us to communicate sometimes. He is in Taylor's to do an English course untill next April( if his classes goes smoothly) and will be joining the ICPU program after that. I'm not to happy about having him as my roommate to be frank. I don't have a problem with him personally but I just don't like living and sleeping in the same room as someone. Yes Alvin, this applies even to my future wife. I like my space and I would like to have my own room. Hehehe, I'm a rich, spoilt kid aren't I?
Anyway, I have found a way to get my own room and if my plan goes as well as I hope it would. I will be cutting down my rental by half next month. Anyway, I don't have a lot of problem with my roomate or him as a person but here are what I have to say about him, my house mates and living under Taylor's. Hehehee, I bet all of you were waiting for me to spill the beans rite? You want the juicy stuff don't you? Anyway, in order to do this I need your cooperation. Please don't reveal my name at all, I'm the Simple Guy. That's all.
Anyway, let's start with the guy from China. First of all, I think he's kind of annoying because he keeps following me around and my roommates around. I know he came from half way aorund the world to Malaysia to study but plreaselah, it's just really annoying having this big adult following you around all the time. What I mean is, when I come home and go into my room, he will follow. Then, when I go out to the living room, he will follow. Ad when I go an study in my room, he will follow me and study in the room and then stare at me. Walau wei! He's like a little kid who follows people aroun and is so annoying that I could just lose it. Besides that, he doesn't shower much and has worn the same shirt for the past 10 days. Yes, this is true. Deep down inside, I don't hate him but my frustration is largely generated by my own inability to live with other people withing closed doors. I need my spacce and privacy. I can't imagine waking up every morniong and having a person next to you in bed or in the bed next to you. The thought of having to do thid for the rest of my life scares me. Oh yea, he says 'nigga' alot when speaking to his China friends on the phone. Really, it's sonuds like that exactly. Russel Peters was ritght. Final words: I am not too impressed by the peasant lifestyle of the rich in Mainland China.
Anyway, on to my housemates. Let's start with OKZ. OKZ is a really screwed up guy. That's all I can say. His potty manners are better than that of a dog but just by a bit. Anyway, you get wht I mean so I won't dive further into that. I'm already in deep shit. Anyway, he cooks rubbish and he doesn't clean up after himself. THe kitchen smeels like onions after he cooks and the sink is always filled with rubbish whenever after he eats. He doesn't do the dishes. He throws the sachets that come with instant noodles on to the floor everytime the rubbish bin is full. He let's the cleaner clean up after him once a week and I actually think that he believes that he is smart for doing so. Heheheh. Damn. He doesn't bathe much too. He doesn't bathe before he goes to class but do not worry because he is a 'MAN' and can handle anything. Dirt, germs and filth are only a part of being a 'MAN' rite? This guy also talks as well as he uses the toilet. He always says things like "Ma Cibai" or is it "My Cibai" and "FU**" which makes me wonder if he has ever taken an English class. He watches the TV everyday and plays with Jun Yi's PSP everyday. He's rich, has a car and very 'cetek'. Anyway, this guy is like the typical rich guy with the kampung man's attitude. He lives in the single room. Lucky guy. He goes drinking every Friday and Saturday nite and doesn't bother waking up on Saturday and Sunday. Everytime people study, he will try to oppose their study routine or look at them as if they are weird or wrong. Final words: I am so lucky to have this big strong macho 'MAN' live with me.
Next, we have JC, the Joe. Yes, he is my housemate form St. Joe. Man, this guy is so damn popular. He has so many friends who are all so popular. He is a nice guy but I think there is a something behind him. I won't talk much but all I can say and very rudely too( sorry guys, I'm just going with the flow) is that he has thought me about what certain Christian people want to do. Anyway, I won't go into details but it scares me that some of my friends might be in on this. It is very conspirous and I am detaching myself further from religion. More that ever I feel. I am starting to gain confidence in my stand not to practice religion. Final words: Next time, if I ever become as popular as you I would at least not lie to people who aren't my friends.
Next, we have JY, super genius. This guy is always on the PSP and is so damn smartlah. He doesn't need to study but can score super high marks minimal or no effort. Man, he reminds me that I am even uselesslah. One thing that the Law Of Ueki has thought me is that we all have talents. It's whether or not our talents are useful in real life and whether we can find ways to use them. For JY, his talent is that he can just pick up know;edge from anywhere and use it instantaneously. As for me, I have no talent which I have discovered which means that my talent is no good in the real world or the worl of humans as I haven't found a part of human life to use it in. Anyway, damn, I need to make some serious trade offs.
The roommates in general, dirty, digusting and 'manly'. I want to live with a girl or by myself when I grow up. Anyway, what else. Taylor's management really suck. They only think about money and they can just come into your room anytime they want and move your things around as they like. They are like communists where the government can do anything as they please anytime they want regardless of your presence as a human being to stop them. Then, there's the resident leader. He looks so 'Kiasu' that sometimes I wonder why he is in such condition? Is he afraid that someone will come and snatch his job away? I honestly think that Taylor's put him there and it was not a democratics vote which decided his election as our leader. He seems so competitive that nothing can be achieved and I think that he actually believes that he is smart and logical because he uses his experience to judge people to help him. My God, his experiences has mad him blind and he cannot see past what he want's to see or tells himself to see. Damn, this type of guy just wants to get some part of his resume to mention that he was a "leader" and that he 'actively participated in matters pertaining to the living conditions of Taylors'. Damn, this type of people. Final words: Taylor's is a greedy cooperation with evil and profit hungry management.
Man, I think thats alllah for now. I've talked enough trash for today. Sorry if it was abit extreme,. I'm ranting. Oh yea, to end things on a lighter note, the other day, I tried downloading Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 1 in Taylors using utorrent. The utorrent ETA status displayed an infinity symbol which means that even after I die, I have to wait for somemore time just to watch Gossip Girl. HUh!? Taylor's internet access really bad.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Happy Merdeka!!!!
Okay, on another matter. I'm sad to hear that Spartacus got into a pickle. This may have serious implications on our trip. Spartacus, I hope that you are already gotten over what happened. I too was involved in s car accident last week. I was in a taxi and someone hit us from behind. Luckily, the taxi driver didn't crash our car into the car in front of us. I now know the effect inertia can have on cars. Hehe, somemore it was the first time that I took a taxi in KL all by myself. So soi. That was when I took a taxi to KL Sentral. On my return from KL Sentral, I nearly got into another accident. It was raining and the roads were slippery. The driver went up a flyover and couldn't see that one half of the road was closed as a BMW had just crash into the left lane on the road. The closed the lane because the were scared that people would skid off the road and crash and fall from the fylover. The taxi driver breaked, the car skidded and the tires made that drifting noise. Geez. Talk about me and bad luck. I bring bad luck to the driver. What's up with taxis these days anyway.
I guess I'll have to use public transport. But wait, these days public transport is getting extremely unreliable and the quality of service is declining. Damned monopolies by GLCS. Yea, sue me, even Pak Cik Lah will testify for me. The fuel prices have gone up, so to cut costs, these smart fellows reduce the ammount of trips instead of increasing the price of tickets. The result: less trains, more people in trains (spurred by the large number of people taking public transportation and less train journeys). It's so damn hard to catch a train on weekends nowadays. The trains get so overcroweded that people have to wait for 2 trains to pass by before getting on a train. This happened to me on last Sunday. I went to Midvalley. I wanted to take a taxi back about 5 pm in the afternoon and what do you know, there's a hundred people waiting in front of me, literally. So, I resort to the KTM line to KL sentral. When I get down to the platform, what do ya know, there's two hundred people in front of me. When the train arrives, hardly anyone gets down because they want to go to KL Sentral. Then, an announcement is made saying that the next train is canceled. Hahaha. I laughed to myself. It was then that I realised that I had to face the harsh reality that we live in Malaysia where companies can just so easily say sorry to you for canceling the train even though you here this virtually everyday. There's no end to it.
The problem with Malaysian companies are, the have a product that they steal from another country, but that's as far as it goes. They provide you with these products, but it remains stagnant. Nothing changes. There are no improvements to the products because us Malaysians don't have the smarts to manipulate, create, improve and innovate. It's just like the Angkasawan project. You see, we can't build a rocket becos we are not smart enough. So we import the technology and the we can only use it to get the same results. We can't configure the rocket, to say, go faster or become more fuel efficient. Then, when something new comes into the market, we buy the new thing. Our old rocket can just be trhown away. We are consumers, not producers. Furthermore, living in a THIRD WORLD stagnant country where capitalistic companies who try to immitate other successful forign companies lack ethics and don't feel any responsibility to their customers. In fact, they have the option to choose whether or no they want to improve their services. Which is why they don't mind saying sorry a thousand times and not doing anything to improve their services. Their sorry means nothing to me as it is not sincere. It is just to be polite only. I bet these companies don't do anything because they think of you as a burden. I mean why would they like all of you? You guys just want to get the best possible train ride out of your measely RM 2? You burden them because you ask to much for so little money. This is why Malaysian companies fail. It is because the have these negative thoughts. Plus, the government backs them heavily and make them GLCS so they will have monopolies over a their given fields. Why on Earth should these companies even want to think of preaching social corporate responsibility? In my opinion, social corporate responsibility means being responsible to the people and isn't giving them more than what they bargain for a much better way of showing that they care and want to be responsible for their customers' needs rather than givng millions of dollars to Sudan or Lebanon. Malaysian companies can choose to live in their own world and not acknowledge the fact that people want more for less. They just don't get this, they don't understand customers, they are out of touch with the people. Public transport suck. Which leads me to my next point.
You guys may have thought that I bought an Apple becos I am rich. But the fact is I bought a Mac becos it is so much more than a computer. They don't stop at "Oh, this is a computer, let's sell it". To them a computer is so much more. It's an understanding. It's their passion and they are proud of what they make which it why they want you to get the most out of your computer so that you will understand how happy they were, how much satisfaction they gained becos of the computer. I love comouters and Macs made me appreciate them even more. Paying that RM 4299 for the Mac was robbery on my part. I roobed Mac becos they are giving me so damn much more that it exceeds this thing called the benchmark or 'standard'. You see unlike our Malaysian companies, you are not a burden to them. They do not get tired with you. They always want to give you their best. Just imagine that you were in love with this hot girl. You'd wanna be at your best for her rite? And like wise you'd feel flattered or satisfied if she wanted to be her best for you. It's the same thing with Apple. They want to be the best for you. They give it their all. I honestly belief that Apple computer programmers feel happy everytime you use one of their applications is used to their fullest extent. This is what I call a business. They give you everything and you get so much more that the money you paid seem so little. The Apple people usderstand what thei customer wants. They don't sell you a Basic, Premium, Ultimate, Business version of Mac OS X Leopard. To them, it's why would you want to give your customer less? Why can't you just give them the best of everything? Think about it. Why should you have to buy a software for a particular purpose say work or for simple home use. Why can't you just buy want one which is good at everything? It's again like a girl. Why should you have to choose between a hot girl? or a nice girl? or a smart girl?or a girl for sex? Why can't you get all in one? Huh, why can't you? At Apple, they want you to get the best. Macs are brilliant. They are better than any computers in every way. Buy one if you get the chance to. I did and I have never complained nor have I ever strayed away from my Mac. It's Mac for me forever man! You may think that money limits you. Well save up. Buying one in 6 years is much better than buying 2 normal laptops every 3 years. Macintosh may be expensive here in Malaysia. But the prices in the US aren't that bad actually. It's expensive in Malaysia because Apple hasn't set up in Malaysia. But I doubt that they would. Remember, Mac is derived from Macintosh. They named the computer Macintosh after the apple because the apple was cheap and available everywhere in the US.
That's all for now. Happy Independence Day!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
All ye Good ole Buddies
I'm glad that you guys are doing your own things we are all really spread out.. Good for you sim[le guy that you are doing the course that you wanted in Taylor's some more with all the rich and famous and not to forget the beautiful... hahaha
It's nice to hear that the Kuching Fest was a blalst wish I was there too..If only I split myself into 2.. Hmmm Saykhia can you make some machine like that?? hahaha Dudes!! Hows the trip planning going on? Is it still o or not?? Can anyone in Kuching ask SHELstation to join the freaking blog??
Anyways just wanna update you guys that I was involve in an accident which cost me Rm 1.5k yup.. Rm 1.5k!!! haiz.. Of all the cars I have to bang a new Honda Civic.. I'm alright by the way no injuries except there's a huge hole in my pocket.. Most likely I be back for Christmas nia not long lah a week like that..
Keep on posting..Keep the blog alive update each other.. LOVE the long post by ray and simple keep on blogging!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hey, I haven't forgotten
My course lasts for 4 year (i'll be doing 2 years here and 2 years overseas like saykhia). I choose the American Degree Program because it is not very stringent and allows me to choose the courses that I would like to do. I basically pick what I want to study. Yeah, I know you guys think that this is weird and very different from waht you guys are doing but it's really cool. I get to study a whole variety of subjects outside my major as it is required by the program ( we have to complete a certain number of credits in various academic areas and fields). The subjects that I take cover topics from the humanities, natural science and mathematics, fine arts, social sciences, etc.
I am currently enrolled in the Actuarial Science program. However, though I am in the actuarial science program, I am going to major in mathematics and economics as US undergraduate degrees are supposed to be general and not to prepare you to go into a particular profession. I will only major in the second year when I apply to go to a US/ Canadian/ Australian University. They just put me in the actuarial science program as a guidline only. This semester, I am taking 4 courses ammounting to 14 credits which are Calculus 1(5 credit course), Introduction to Business (3 credits), Introduction to Computers/ Computer Concepts and Applications (3 credit) and English Composition 1 (3 credit). Notice that all the subjects that I'm taking are all from different fields. I haven't been given any projsects yet but my business instructor says that we will have to come up with a business plan that is agriculture related.
It's really cool this system. I only go for classes about 3 hours long every weekday. I gives me time to digest the knowledge that I gain and allows me to control my studies outside the cloassroom. There are about 150 students in my class and quite a number of them are JPA/ MARA students (about 50). I'm friends with the JPA people. They are really nice and humble. I live a My Place apartments which is really nearby to my school. It's just 10 minutes away from my school. In fact, it's 8.15pm and I'm currently blogging from the library. I'm staying here till it closes at 10pm. I like the library. The environment is great and I even have my favourite table number 17. Hehe, it's at a cool and nice quite place. My roommates are great. There's a Josephian and he's a really nice guy (cute too, he's single too, saykhia, bluray and bun
I love classes and my life here. With KL's yellow sun and the lack of the Kuchingite(the earth aroung Kuching), I feel at home. I'm finally back. Hehehe, just kiddinglah. I still love Kuching. It's my second home. Though I can only stay there for 3 months on a visitor's pass now (sad). Anyway, for those of you who didn't know, I bought a Motorola KRZR K1 just before I left Kuching. For those of you who may not have known this, I bought it because it is the Dan Humprey phone from Gossip Girl (actually he uses the KRZR K1m which looks the same but is only available in US because it's a CDMA phone, mine is the GSM version. Oh yea, his phone is black in colour while mine is blue) YAy!! Now I have the Blackbook (Black Macbook) and KRZR like Dan Humprey. All I need now is a place at Dartmouth and a hot popular chick. Hehehe. I'm a huge fan aren't I (I remember saykhia telling me that I get obssesed with things). Anyway, I really hated how seasin 1 ended. I didn't watch the entire last episode because I went out with you guys but Dan and Serena broke up. I'm so sad. Plus, Nate and Serena go out together? How can this be? Why don't the average joes ever get the it girls? Anyway, I did like the part where Chuck say's "I'm Chuck Bass" when he hit's on his father's business associate. It's so cool the way he's says it. He was suppose to be with Blair on the G5 to don't know where but he cheated on her because he couldn't stand being monogamous. But so sad. I saw Enews a fews weeks ago and I think in the trailer of the second season of Gossip Girl, I saw Serena making out with Nate over the summer. How can she go back to Dan after getting done by a guy like Nate. So sad. I hate this. But like much of Gossip Girl plots. I think this proble will be solved in just 2 episodes.
Anyway guys. I love and miss you all. SMS me once in a while.
Simple Guy
Thursday, August 14, 2008
bored freaky toughts...
1. Nice to hear the band is doing well. Missed playing for parade tho. Ey sorry to say lah. This year's bugle is pathetic.Hahaha..All offence meant!! Anyway, good job. Just dont let 1st Kch band becomes the secondary body in the band lah. RECRUITMENT RECRUITMENT!!!!!!
2. Simple guy go where study now? Babi betul ah. Just say bye2 but never tell where or what.
3. Shel gay.
4. I know hershel aint here yet but whats stopping us from dissing huh...hahaha
5. What is everyone else up to??Yo, yang sudah ada awek tu, crite lah ckit(slang KL). dream tercapai. I'll tel u guys when i get back.
6. i'm so busy with so many projects now. 4 major projects with the soonest in december and latest in febuary. I mean Uni punya project not assignment or anything. Anyone got any idea on what "toned down" praise and worship songs that can be sung in front of our muslim brothers and sisters? Coz i'm handling my college's christmas night's worship team. I'm thinking best friend, anggur baru,one chinese song, one lagu duniawi dat can be incorporated punya. And what do you think would be a good?And what art ideas thats cool, funky and traditional dat i can do for my Minggu Seni Kreatif? Pottery? Tarian? Theater?
7.Sorry guys no pics to put up. Not much to put anyway.
8. Best nya ada junior!!!!hahahahaha. Its like your words are gold and your feedback is diamonds man!!Heheh...Did i bully or rag them??Well i tried but muka so damn skema and innocent then tak sampai hati pulak...
9. Hey guys i curi KML punya idea on the video challenge for my minggu seni kreatif. hahaha..I'll be opening it to the whole of UM. Hopefully will get a great response. Pray for this ya.
10. Yo. Kerohanian abang2 semua macam mana? Berdoalah selalu. Not only for yourself and your family and your christian friends. But also for the non christian friends and enemies too!!Tapi knowing us, sure tak ada enemy punya kan. Bless You ALL...
11. Macam dah kosong. Adios bros.....
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Goodbye Kuching
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Updating News From Kuching
This entry is for those who are away from Kuching (Also for Kuching people who never realise things that happened around them).
1. Its already the month of August, so you all (Kuching people) know whats going on... It's the 20th Anniversary Kuching City Day!!! The very first event held here was the City Day Parade organised by MBKS. This time, 1st, 6th and 7th Kch Coy combined band was team number 35 (out of 39). Its rather better compare to last year (Last year, we were the last team. 2nd Kch were in last team this year).

Great sunset view.... (Still looking for our position)
There's only 3 long and 1 short bugle this year... Played Manchester (before the parade), 1st Kuching and Bugle Tune No.3 (during the parade)

Taking photo with python was fun.. Noticed that one guy is missing from this photo.. LOL..
This year, we played John Brown (with bugle tune) for the 1 minute march pass (Waited for hours just for that). I have the video but if interested, feel free to come my house to watch.. LOL!!
2. The second event was the ICT EXPO (or known as PC Fair) organised by Kuching Computer Business Association (KCBA) from 1st to 3rd August. I bought few stuff (nothing special) there. Some simple guy bought an external hard disk and 4GB RAM for his MacBook.
3. If talk about City Day, its always about City Day Food Fair. This food fair will last throughout this month (till 24th August to be exact). As usual, there are garden show, various performance on stage, foods and MORE!!! (you figure it yourself) I took few pictures few nights ago and post the selected ones only.
4. Its already MEGA SALE!! I just bought myself a pair of FILA shoes with 70% off. Well, its worth it if you want some comfortable shoes which cost you less than RM100.

5. Bad news for the KL Trip. I'm having a hard time figuring ways to increase my budget for the trip. My financial advisor (The Simple Guy) told me that it'll be hard for me (or not even a chance) to go for the trip. Perhaps, changing the venue would solve the problem. Sematan will do....
6. By the way, I joined the City Day 3 on 3 Basketball Jamboree. Teamed up with all the 1st Kch Coy members (with Gab, Nat and Howe) in the 20 and under category. Planned to name our team FKC (1st Kch Coy) but I forgot to fill it in the form. In the end, the team's name was the Captain itself (you know la....). Well, the result...... same thing happened like the time I teamed up with Spartacus and Simple Guy in the AND1 3 on 3.
Thats all for now.. There are still more things coming up.. I'll try to keep things updated..
P/S: Simple Guy, help me out if I'm missing out any recent updates.
Monday, July 28, 2008
till next time bros for the next round of dissing.......
p/s : i think im loosing my touch la...doesnt sound so bad anymore....ah oh well....theres always a failsafe.......friendofabu = retard+gay+gay......
Sunday, July 27, 2008
What lah you guys.. After we left Simple guy said only 3 peolpe come.. How to practice CS??
Just bring your friends lah.. Doesn't have to be the crew all the time. Later you guys be bored and i the end nobody comes..
Just keep on planning keep us updated with what you guys are doing.
Ray post the pictures up.. Whatever pictures you have of the crew or your scene nary pictures.. in other words anything lah ( except explicit stuff)..
The blog is to bared..
BTW nice to have SCN ( Singapore Chicken Nasi) on board and ask Hershey's to join also.
If you guys got other interesting blogs please link them to the page. Share the joy of blogging to the world.
Thats all from me
Eat Crystal Clear Fox's
Saturday, July 26, 2008
kl trip
Friday, July 25, 2008
Update On the KL Trip 2008 (25th July)
1) The Malaysian Youth Hostel Association is near Petaling Street as I was told by sunRAY. For more details you can just Google or Yahoo it or ask sunRAY. Basically, it's a hostel with bunk beds and air-conditioning. sunRAY told me that they charge by individuals (per head type of fee). We (sunRAY and I) aren't sure how much it costs to stay there for one night to be honest with you and we have not contacted the Hostel because we were waiting to see how well this plan would go down first. If you guys are absolutely sure that you want to go then we will check. I don't know if this helps but sunRAY's rough estimates is that every person would have to spend about RM 20 per night to stay there. This includes breakfast (no other meals). Oh yea, I remember sunRAY telling me that they fit 4, 6 or 8 people into one room depending on how much people are in the same group. I am not sure whether we will be in separate rooms but if 4, 6 or 8 of us go, then we can get the same roomlah. Err... if you want to know more about this place, ask sunRAY. He stayed there after the 2006 KL Pesta. So he can give you a first hand account of itlah.
2) I totally agree with what Spartacus said about the Kuching people meeting the Semenanjung people and then coming back together. Before we can make any plans, I need everyone to send me some information about your travel plans (for Semenanjung people coming back to Kuching) and the academic calender for your current semester (everyone e.g. when classes end, when tests end,etc.). Please also tell me if you are participating in some other activities this December (e.g. camp, working, travelling with your OTHER friends :(, etc.) It is very important. Just post it in the comments section of this blog or sms/e-mail to either sunRAY or me. I will give a date onece I get all the info from Semenanjung dudes.
3) We estimated that our flight cost would take RM400. Actually, those rates were as of the date of the first post about the KL trip. At those rates you'd have to pay RM110.00 for a one way flight(we counted the most expensive flight charge available on that date), RM 45.00 for the administration fee, and RM18.00 (if i'm not mistaken) for the fuel surcharge. If you brought along I bag you'd also have to pay an additional RM3.00. In total, we obtained the figure RM 360+ (or was it RM 370+) for a round trip. I expect these rates to go up drastically. Drink and sunRAY have told me to watch for Air Asia's sale. But truthfully, the flight fees can change drastically. It can become as cheap as RM300 or as expensive as RM600. This needs constant monitoring. So what I recommend is that the range for the flight expenses be set at RM 400- RM 500 to be realistic. Just be prepared to fork out this ammount of moneylah if you want to go.
4) To be honest with you, I think that rite now, only Drink, Spartacus, sunRAY and I know about this trip. I will tell thomIAN tommorrow. Someone please tell Bun and KNee. PokeDex too. Personally, I think we will proceed with this plan once we have 5 people who agree to commit. If there are only 4 people then, we will have a discussion. If there are less than 4 people, then it's off. Deadline I set for confirmation is 1st September 2008. This is the ultimate final date. No further extentions. If you disagree with this date them please let me know. I set it to be exactly 3 months before 1st December 2008.
5) Reminder: Everyone, please ah, I want to be anonymous (just call me simple guy). And sorry ah if I modified your names in this post.
6) I have already posted the draft. Ah, you guys ah, keep bully me in you post ah. Wait, sabar.........!!!!!!! Err...Spartacus, actually, our outings on Fridays have been a dissappointment after you guys left. Only 3 ppl at most.
K. That's all.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Finally, someone posted their suggestions and comments
If you can find a translator then you should know the meaning la....
Anyway, this are some of the updates that i need to inform you all:
- I've just send a invitation to Master Simon. Now its up to him to join this blog.
- Ravin, I think you can post up your "freaking long draft" by now since you got your computer back already. No more reasons, dude!! You can just get your second part done after you post this one first. PLEASE!!!! NO HARM, DUDE!!!!
(You know I lazy to read drafts...) - There is this news and its rather a bad one. I might be having budget problem when mentioning about that trip. I've been trying my very best not to get anything for this coming KCBA PC Fair on this 1st - 3rd August.
(I guess I won't be able to survive since that Gigabyte 9600 GT 1Gb DDR3 came to my dreams more frequently than ever after hanging out with Ravin at Saberkas few days ago) - The Malaysian Youth Hostel is located near the Petaling Street (around 5 minutes walk) and also very near to one of the monorail station. I'll get some more information from Mr. Kueh
Ah Sengsince he knows everything about it.
- This stupid numbering is really testing my nerves. Just don't skip the numbering if I don't ask you to!!!!!
And finally........
Ravin (again), don't put "I miss you" (or admit it) in the SMS even if I ask you that question......
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A trip!!
1. Where the heck is Malaysian Youth Hostel?
2.Set a date.. if you want to do it at the end of the year the you can check the rates of the airfare.
(check multiple datesif possible) For people like simon,Ian,Nee and me we might not need to go back to Kch and then go to KL but we meet you guys here and then we go back together gether.
Our Holidays would start at the beginning of December.
3. Why not we have a trip to go to Pudu so that Ravin can be like Schofield since his hair is Botak..
4.Why it take so long for people to post a blog?? hahahaha
5.Has anyone invited Simon to the blog??
And finally
Ravin iboh gay ngan Raymond..
Tell you the truth the idea is a very good idea and I hope you guys can get back to us ASAP incase anyone of us has any other things plan like Uni camp etc. Anyways keep on playin CS so that we can rule the world.. muhahahaha * sik da apa kena mengena ngan pergi KL*
Go Go Power Rangers!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Proposed Trip 2008
Flight expenses - RM400 (Including extra RM20)
Travel in KL - RM100 (Including extra RM70)
Accomodation - RM200 (Including extra RM60)
Entertainment - RM200 (Including extra RM30)
Total RM900 (With extra RM180)
Personal Expenses - Food (2 meals a day)(7 days) - RM150
Note: All expenses exclude personal shopping budget and above are MAXIMUM estimations of the expenses. A budget of RM1100 will likely give you a personal shopping budget of about RM200.
Proposed accommodation - Malaysian Youth Hostel Association (Please help to check on the rates)
Proposed date - Early to Mid December (5th to 20th Dec 08) (Any 7 days)
- 1 day at Bandar Sunway (Theme Park and Shopping Mall)
- 1 1/2 days at Bukit Bintang area (LOT 10, LOWYAT, Sungei Wang, Pavilion, Berjaya Time Square)
- 1 day other shopping malls (Gardens, Mid Valley, Bandar Utama, Subang)
- 1 day around the city (KLCC)
- Dinner at special place (to be decided)
Note: Activities listed above are covered under the entertainment and travel in KL expenses.
P/S: Please post a comment if you have any other suggestions, questions and if you want to confirm. Please tell everyone in The Gangz (Aldrin, Alvin, Hershel, Ian, Nee, Simon, Leslie, Dexter) about this plan.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My Colleagues
I'll start with the original 10 entry-level employees that the bosses at MPH hired. To further make it easier and interesting for all you readers out there, I'll list them down in the order that they left (or eliminated in some cases, hheehehehehe, reality TV= entertainment):
1) Elayne. The first time that I met her, I thought she looked kinda funny. Maybe it's just me being mean or passing superficial judgement but I thought she looked like a doughnut (the ball type) skewed by a stick. Yes, funny but true. This was the shape of her body. I sometimes subconsciously calle her doughnut. But seriouslylah, she did remind me of the doughnut on a skewer. I know, I know, I'm mean (I can so see Aldrin reminding me of this). Anyway, going beyond looks, Elayne was well............. no a very good worker because of her attitude. I first got to know her when we went for a short trainning seminar at the Harbour View Hotel. She sat next to me and she seemed at first that she wanted to get close to me(not in the romantic type of way Alvin). I could sense a bad vibe coming from her. I don't know, there just seemed to be something wrong with her. Elayne was the same age as me and she was from St. Joe(she had just finished her form 6 and was waiting for her results).
Soon, after we started working (when MPH opened) my other colleagues began talking about her not wanting to work very long(there was a rumour that she wanted to leave immediately after she had gotten her results) for MPH and they began to question this as they felt dissatisfied with her. Maybe they were just unhappy with the way she so proudly told everyone this. Anyway, Elayne seemed to be a decent worker at first albeit a lazy one. Please take note that almost everyone is lazy at MPH so I'm using the word lazy with caution. She usually finds some way of parking her big fat ass at the customer serivce counter(CSD) despite not having any important work to do. If the CSD's full she'll get on 1 of the tiny stools for little children, park her ass on it and act like she's arranging books. Often, she'll take a hell lot more of time than actually required. I usually see her reading some children's book, the ones with load of pictures and I just imagine a doughnut mascot reading(hehehehe, I'm mean). Oneday, a problem began to brew at the CSD. This happened when Elayne became increasingly involved with CSD work. We began seeing some shortages of money at the CSD. Kim and I became incresingly suspicious of Elayne and we wanted her as far away as possible from them CSD for fear that she was pocketing some money. I didn't do anything to oust her but Kim did. She tried giving instructions to her to follow. Eventually, she got the message. We also noticed some problems with the MPH member forms and often it was imcomplete due to Elayne's constant disregard for following standard procedures. Anyway, we didn't have any evidence to prove her guilt which leaves her innocent I guess. However, she did try to steal a book that she ordered for herself but was caught by our boss. I'm not sure how she settled that but I do know that she didn't buy another book that she oredered for herself which was irresponsible and abusive.
Elayne also had another problem, she repeatedly skipped work espescially during weekends. She used to try to change shifts with people to get her own way. But after a while, she just found it to tough and just skipped work as she pleased. This happened probably about 7 times during her course at MPH. She was also lectured behind closed doors several times, thrice if I'm not mistaken. However, nothing work, she kept being her same old lazy self. Oh yeah, one more thing, the reason she used to skip work on weekends was because she was out clubbing and got so drunk that she passed out. She's a party person. Besides, another colleague of mine told me that she stayed at their place for 2 months but didn't pay rent which lead to her expulsion from their house. Anyway, Elayne got the message, everyone hated her for her selfish behaviour and we wanted her out especially Mr. George who had to scold her and treat her in a cold way to get rid of her. She turned in resigned(well, eliminated) and was gone by the second week of May.
TO BE CONTINUED...................................
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Check tis Pic out

Big daddy Gay Hershel, Pink Ian Ranger, Mr Constipated Alvin, Mr I have a huge brain Aldrin and Mr I have a Beef with Kuching people Ravin. The dude who took the picture is Mr skodeng Raymond
One night in Moscow
Well we all know what happen... well just to recap, Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 42th goal of the season in the 23 minute( i guess) by header.. cross by wes brown( and what a beauty the cross was). Chealsea level in the 44th minute by none other than Frank Lampard Jr.. or jus frank Lampard.. I'm not gonna talk about the whole match but the key points. For instance, Man United should have been 3-1 up( Tevez's chances) and chealsea should have level it 3-3 ( hit the post twice) and Man U should have scored and won it 4-3 but thanks to Mr. Chelsea( Big John Terry) himself the goal was denied.
This could have been one of the best champions league final we had considering last years finals was one of the worst. In the end after extra time the game went into penalties. It was here when I thought Chelsea have the upper hand. Why? you might add. Well Petr Cech the Goalkeeper is the best goalkeeper in the world. Hands down he is the best. Only 2 other keepers is worth the mention which is Buffon and Cassillas. In the opposing team I believe they have a very past his prime goalkeeper.. Van Der Sar. Yeah we know he won the Champions League before but then watching his performance that night I was worried for Man United. He was erractic.
I couldn't remember the line up the penalties for both teams but we can sum up the penalties in 3 very important incident. The first major one was the penalty miss by the great 42 goal scoring machine, Cristiano Ronaldo. Ronaldo did his stutter steps but to no avail it failed and Cech save the penalty toward the right of the goal. Chealsea have the upper hand.
The next incident was the most devastating one which was Mr. Chelsea's missed penalty. Up until this point of the match, Chelsea was in control. Then came the heroic John Terry pulling up his sleeves and armband saying that he is the Captain and I am gonna win it for us. At this point I thought Chelsea have their First European trophy in the bag. But then, disaster struck.... Terry completely slip and his kick went way off target. After that, I said to myself... Bye Bye Chelsea.
The last incident that was important was predictable. Van der Sar vs Anelka. Le Sulk chose the same spot where Cech Saved Ronaldo's Penalty... The outcome, yes the same fate as Ronaldo... Saved, But the difference is Ronaldo now has the winner's medal on his neck and Anelka doesn't. Watching the young Man U side celebrate was a joy to watch but then the camera focused on Terry and he was crying like a baby. The only time I see men breakdown and cry like that... Funerals. It was like death was brought upon to him. I remember the scenes of Terry crying on the shoulders of Grant and Pete Kenyon.. He was distraught. But like every great captain out there he lead his team to get their medals. But to see him like that make me ponder the what if in Chelsea situation. I believe the reason of chelsea not winning the trophy is because of Drogba's dismissal. If he wasn't dismiss he would be one of those in contention of taking the spot kick and you might never know Terry would have not need to take the penalty.
People Might argue that no matter if drogba is in or out Terry will take the last kick because it is fitting for the captain. Yes of course but you see the rotation will be longer until it reaches Le sulk and it might change the result.
Well all is said and done. I wish congrats to the winning side and their supporters. To the losing team... Well better luck next time.
smile always John Terry
Friday, May 16, 2008
First Post
I hope you guys will enjoy blogging.
This blog has only one purpose...
that is...
To Keep in touch with YOU!!!
So enjoy blogging and writing. Feel free to talk what ever you want
Enjoy! Incubus