My course lasts for 4 year (i'll be doing 2 years here and 2 years overseas like saykhia). I choose the American Degree Program because it is not very stringent and allows me to choose the courses that I would like to do. I basically pick what I want to study. Yeah, I know you guys think that this is weird and very different from waht you guys are doing but it's really cool. I get to study a whole variety of subjects outside my major as it is required by the program ( we have to complete a certain number of credits in various academic areas and fields). The subjects that I take cover topics from the humanities, natural science and mathematics, fine arts, social sciences, etc.
I am currently enrolled in the Actuarial Science program. However, though I am in the actuarial science program, I am going to major in mathematics and economics as US undergraduate degrees are supposed to be general and not to prepare you to go into a particular profession. I will only major in the second year when I apply to go to a US/ Canadian/ Australian University. They just put me in the actuarial science program as a guidline only. This semester, I am taking 4 courses ammounting to 14 credits which are Calculus 1(5 credit course), Introduction to Business (3 credits), Introduction to Computers/ Computer Concepts and Applications (3 credit) and English Composition 1 (3 credit). Notice that all the subjects that I'm taking are all from different fields. I haven't been given any projsects yet but my business instructor says that we will have to come up with a business plan that is agriculture related.
It's really cool this system. I only go for classes about 3 hours long every weekday. I gives me time to digest the knowledge that I gain and allows me to control my studies outside the cloassroom. There are about 150 students in my class and quite a number of them are JPA/ MARA students (about 50). I'm friends with the JPA people. They are really nice and humble. I live a My Place apartments which is really nearby to my school. It's just 10 minutes away from my school. In fact, it's 8.15pm and I'm currently blogging from the library. I'm staying here till it closes at 10pm. I like the library. The environment is great and I even have my favourite table number 17. Hehe, it's at a cool and nice quite place. My roommates are great. There's a Josephian and he's a really nice guy (cute too, he's single too, saykhia, bluray and bun
I love classes and my life here. With KL's yellow sun and the lack of the Kuchingite(the earth aroung Kuching), I feel at home. I'm finally back. Hehehe, just kiddinglah. I still love Kuching. It's my second home. Though I can only stay there for 3 months on a visitor's pass now (sad). Anyway, for those of you who didn't know, I bought a Motorola KRZR K1 just before I left Kuching. For those of you who may not have known this, I bought it because it is the Dan Humprey phone from Gossip Girl (actually he uses the KRZR K1m which looks the same but is only available in US because it's a CDMA phone, mine is the GSM version. Oh yea, his phone is black in colour while mine is blue) YAy!! Now I have the Blackbook (Black Macbook) and KRZR like Dan Humprey. All I need now is a place at Dartmouth and a hot popular chick. Hehehe. I'm a huge fan aren't I (I remember saykhia telling me that I get obssesed with things). Anyway, I really hated how seasin 1 ended. I didn't watch the entire last episode because I went out with you guys but Dan and Serena broke up. I'm so sad. Plus, Nate and Serena go out together? How can this be? Why don't the average joes ever get the it girls? Anyway, I did like the part where Chuck say's "I'm Chuck Bass" when he hit's on his father's business associate. It's so cool the way he's says it. He was suppose to be with Blair on the G5 to don't know where but he cheated on her because he couldn't stand being monogamous. But so sad. I saw Enews a fews weeks ago and I think in the trailer of the second season of Gossip Girl, I saw Serena making out with Nate over the summer. How can she go back to Dan after getting done by a guy like Nate. So sad. I hate this. But like much of Gossip Girl plots. I think this proble will be solved in just 2 episodes.
Anyway guys. I love and miss you all. SMS me once in a while.
Simple Guy
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