Friday, February 13, 2009


Dear Bros.....
I am awake at 4.40am 14th Feb (valentine's day) 2009....was reading some stuff on the net regarding malaysian politics (west AND east malaysia)...scary and RUDE!!!...

go check it out lah....

but dont be too influenced tho.....the next thing i want is to debate with a political brat who cant decide wan to play CS or Dota first!!!!@@##U(&T*.......pig.....

hey.....aldrin is gone from this part of the world!!!!yay!!!

ray...u pop the champaign bottle d???haha

shel put ur shirt back on.....nobody wanna see the gigantic face......

vin....gain weight...ur making me look bad......

ravin....................................................yeahhhh........continue doing what all u ravins like to do.....

kenit....male sure u do ur best to maintain ur faith there ya....iboh macam2!! those yang ada couple or ada couple tapi belum official or ada tapi sik britauk orang or just plain gay(ravin) or just single.........

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!....May i suggest we love God first before we love our other half??
Cheers and as the power puff girls once sang.....Love makes the world go round!!!

Lets keep it that way!!!(imagine a square planet???)....

ok ......whose turn next???

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