Wah dah maju dah Ah din.. hahaha Say hi to Sze Howe and Poh Sim.. Guess What.. I inserted Russel Peters name in the Google search engine for his images... You wanna know what picture appear...

Wow.. Ok give me a sec...
Wokies.. wassup people?? Wah heard simon a CG leader in his Block or Faculty rite?? How many ppl you have bro?? Heard it's lent to.. Hmmm all I can remember from lent are those aluminium donation tin that you get in church.. hahaha
Just joking.. It's a good time to reflect what the Lord has done, What he is doing and what is yet to come.. Awesome rite?? Yeah man.. Awesome.. We got a bout roughly 5 weeks to easter and Wow man!! It's Easter already. The single most coolest event of the year since like forever.. hahaha...
Have you guys thought of bringing people to church and get them saved?? Because I feel that is what we truly lack.. As 'Christians' we are always self-centered and we do not dare to go out into the world and go make disciples of Christ.. We say se believed in Christ and yet one of his most important teaching we have never achieved..
Simon brought up the 10 commandments., which is an awesome law by the way.. The whole commandment can be sumed up to 2 parts
- Love God wholeheartedly
- Love People Fervently
I always gave alot of reason's not to approach someone and tell them about Jesus, truthfully the only reason that mattered is Jesus himself.. Always afraid to be rejected and say that the person not open or so.. But who are to Judge until we open our mouths..
But seriously through experience, human beings are more spiritual then we think... It is written God created man in his image.. God is a spritual God, we are his image, hence we humans are more spiritual then we even give credit to ourselves..
Don't get me wrong.. Don't go to a person and tell them straight to their face that Jesus died for their sins and if they don't believe in him they will perish you know where... You can do that no prob.. Heck man it wont be effective.. You just scare the dude beyond wits...
Everything that I am sharing with you guys here are all my experiences that I had in JB.. The only way to win a person is through relationship... Yup relationship wins peolpe.. That's what we lost in BB.. We always thought of the games, the activity... but where is the relationship between the boys and officers and among boys themselves..
You wonder why organization, churches... in fact anything in the sun don't grow is because it is lacking of relationship..
Yeah.. that's why we are here.. blogging.. we want to maintain our relationship.. and It's getting better every week man.. everybody chipping in..YEAH!!!! How to build relationship.. just do what you always do, go lunch with friends, lepak ka, mamak ka.. just do something together and make sure te person knows you care... and if there is a need meet the need.. People don't care how much you know until you show how much you care..
Yeah.. Hope you have a different Easter this year.. It is still 5 weeks away..Ample of time to invite your buddies to events if got any or start one your own..
By the way shel... How's Unimas??
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