First of all, I would like to congratulate Raymond on gaining admission into UMS. I'm SURE he will enjoy himself there A LOT (if you guys know what I mean O_^ ). I guess everyone in our group has finally entered university. I was thinking the other day of how everyone has gone to different places. Hershel to UNIMAS, Simon to UM, Ian to UPM, Raymond to UMS, Aaron to Cardiff, Aldrin and Sze Howe to UWA, Alvin to UTM and me to Taylor's. We are all in different places. So far away some more.
Actually, I'm a bit disappointed that Raymond got into UMS. Don't get me wrong, I was hoping all the way that he would get into the university of his choice but I was secretly hoping that he would get into UTM as well. That way, I would have somewhere to visit during my holidays -_-". I mean, if he got into UTM, I would be able to go to Johor to meet him and Alvin. Since he has gone to Sabah, my holiday plans have been canceled :( . Unless of course, I want to have some one on one time, heart to heart, jiwa sama jiwa gayfest alone with Alvin :P. Not cool. On the bright side, Raymond doesn't need any company from us guys when he is Sabah. He can have as many heart to hearts, jiwa sama jiwa, one to one time non-gayfests as he wants in Sabah.
My holidays began 2 mondays ago actually. I finished both my exams on Monday and then it was over. I was so tired that I fell asleep when I got back. Then, I went out with Ian and Jonathan Hoh who was visiting Malaysia for 3 weeks I think. He is in Kuching now I guess. Jonathan Hoh has really changed I guess. I told him that he hasn't but I guess he has in a huge way. I mean it is not that he dresses or styles himself differently. It's the way he mixes with people. The last time Jonathan was here, he seemed like a shy guy who was only very comfortable with those close to him. Now, he has opened up to other people a well. I think the change is great. He's still the same Jonathan we know albeit with a strong New Zealand accent which is hard to catch at times. I can really learn a lot from Jonathan's change. Maybe I too should be more open and comfortable with strangers. I tend to treat my friends much better than I do to my acquaintances.
I also went to Melaka from Friday to Monday last week. Melaka is great and it has really changed if you guys haven't known. The whole place has developed physically. There are so many malls now compared to when we went there at the end of 2003. Last time, the only mall that was in the city (ie. around the Stadhuys Church) was Mahkota Parade. Now there is a very big shopping mall just across the road from Mahkota called Dataran. There is also another mall cum hotel which will be completed by the end of the year I think called Hatten Square. Just look at the photo below:

I'm not sure if you guys remember, but this used to be a plain old stands on a padang. Now, the padang has been replaced by a mall. The building on the right is the second part of Dataran and the building in the back on the left of the photo is Hatten Square. The soon to be constructed mall. But I like the new Melaka. There are so many cool places within one area. You can just walk around to find something to do. Here are some more pics:
Here's a view of Dataran. This is the entrance with a lot of restaurants.
Stadhuys Church. The trishaw driver on the left crashed into the 2 tiny pillars in the middle of the photo a few seconds after this photo was taken :(
A Farmosa. I took quite an okay picture of it.
A waterfall-like wall in the shop in which I ate Chicken Rice Balls for the first time. The girl seating on the left is quite pretty. To bad she is a SPG who only wants white head.
The Chicken Rice Ball Shop again in Jonker Street.
Menara Taming Sari at night. This is something new. Kinda cool actually though I didn't go inside it.
The Eye on Malaysia. This place is actually Melaka's number 1 tempat berdating at night actually. It is like waterfront only 10 times better. There was so many couples berdating that it was hard for me to find a spot to take a picture.
Melaka River. This river is much more cleaner than the one in Kuching.
Anyway, I'll update you with more posts soon. Got plenty of free time. Take care :)
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