Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hey Gang too!

My turn, my turn. This babi (according to Simon) is back, but he's as skinnier as ever. Actually, not quite true; it's hard to stay skinny on Aussie food. Now my old photos -- with me in my old stick shape -- look scary.


Drin, your comment about small companies is so true. My current workplace is also a small company, with about 10 employees -- The people here get shuffled around quite a bit; the receptionist had a go at railway auditing too! I wasn't picked for the job at first, but one shuffling reopened a similar position, and I got called in. So, I'm grateful for the do-a-bit-of-everything method, and for my friend who led me to the job.

The work itself isn't mind-blowing; a few of us are going through thousands of photos of train tracks, to check for defects. So it's not "proper" engineering, but the experience and cash are still welcome. It doesn't really matter anyway cuz my boss shows us what the engineers do, and let us play with their prototype devices!

You asked if anyone here likes the working life... well like I said the actual work isn't exciting (2 weeks in, and I'm starting to feel the mental toll), but the environment is relaxed. Lunch break chats range from This-Is-What-My-Grandkids-Said to How-To-Identify-A-Chinese/Japanese/Caucasian-Home-By-Looking-At-The-Street; we're free to take breaks whenever we want (within reason lah). So it's a mixed bag of wonders and woes, really; definitely busier than studying and more taxing than Differential Equations, but also definitely worthwhile.

Shel, your BB aspirations made me smile. Congrats on your promotion, and God bless you in your efforts! It's cool and encouraging to see the BB still being an important part of our lives.

On the flipside, I'm currently doing the opposite of you though; baru last night I decided to take a break from BB for a while, maybe for 1 year. There are lots of good things out there to be doing, but stretching in all directions until popiah-thin wasn't smart on my part... I think I need to get my life back on track before I can work properly for others. Socially, financially, even educationally I've been unravelling somewhat; some of it from poor choices, some from external circumstances. It's time to start making changes lah, then come back and reevaluate.

Ravin, hope you find peace with nuisances in life, even if it means giving them a piece of your mind. Political correctness worldwide is slowly killing that form of interaction.

Simon (and Hershel), haha, what a great reminder of the makan spirit. Brings memories of our Green Hill trips those years ago. I'm sure there will be plenty of makan-ing over the next few weeks! I can't make it back this time round, but my new citizenship means that I won't have to tighten my belt for uni fees anymore next year. My kolo mee fund will be active again, yeah. Next holidays I should be able make it back; hope to see you guys then! It's been way too long.

In the meantime, let's make 2010 a great year!

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